Holy Family of Nazareth – Models of Faith

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by Susan Amann

Today, the first Sunday after Christmas, we celebrate the Feast of the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph. This feast began to be observed in Canada in the late 19th century, and quickly spread to the universal Church when Pope Benedict XV formally instituted the feast in 1921.

The Holy Family is a model of faithfulness for all families, in their devotion to God and by living God’s call. Jesus, Mary, and Joseph lived their “Yes” to God the Father by faithfully following their God-given vocations – every day and in every way. The members of the Holy Family, therefore, are models of faith for each of us.

In a December 30, 2019, article on the Sharing in Faith website, we can read about the faithfulness of Mary, Joseph and Jesus:

Mary: “Mary’s faithfulness was in … her response when the angel appeared to her and told her she would give birth to the savior of the world. She didn’t shrink in fear. Or run to get someone’s opinion. Or even hesitate. She just said ‘yes.’ Throughout her life, Mary continued to model faithfulness as she tended to her home, cared for and raised Jesus, and ultimately surrendered her will to God’s as she watched Jesus suffer and die.”

Joseph: “When he learned of Mary’s impending pregnancy, he didn’t shun her. Or judge her. Or leave her or the family he was about to lead. Instead, he obeyed and believed what the angel told him. He was faithful to God’s plan. Joseph was a solid leader of his family. He protected them from those who wanted to hurt them and he provided for them through his occupation as a humble and hardworking carpenter.”

Jesus: “Jesus’ faithfulness to his heavenly Father was unwavering. Throughout his ministry, he was criticized, judged, and ridiculed and eventually put to death. But, because of his faithfulness, we are able to share in eternal life with him.”

When I was a young mother, I was always so busy with my babies and the house and the laundry, and I felt bad that I didn’t have time to do a holy hour or even say a whole rosary. I started reading books about how I could simplify my life (Read: “be less busy”. Ha ha!) and have more time for God. I learned a great lesson when I realized that I could offer everything I did as a prayer. I began to think about my life as a wife and mother, my vocation, as prayer. It was the way I communicated my “yes” to God’s call in my life, like Mary did.

A few years later, while I was home schooling our 4 children, God began calling me, in my heart, to have another child. Firmly, I would remind God that I was very, very busy caring for and educate the 4 children I already had. Didn’t God know how tired I was? Didn’t God remember that we didn’t have a highchair or a changing table anymore? I took 2 years, but God did not give up on me. I finally was able to obey and believe, like Joseph, and my youngest child was welcomed into our family. I named her Grace, she was and is a grace in my life.

Right now, I am journeying through a sorrowful season of my life. Many of my family relationships are filled with loss, sorrow, and challenge. Jesus is my model of faith now. He has shown the world what amazing grace can come from suffering and death. The hope of the resurrection is in my heart as I strive each day to be faithful to the God of the impossible.

As we continue conclude the Octave of Christmas and enter into the short Ordinary Time before the beginning of Lent, let’s reflect on the ordinary time in the life of the Holy Family. Let this be a time of increasing holiness and faithfulness to our devotion to God and our vocations.

As Pope Frances prayed in front of an icon of the Holy Family on the World Day of Families, 2013, he included these words:

Jesus, Mary, and Joseph
to you, the Holy Family of Nazareth,
today, we turn our gaze
with admiration and confidence.

Holy Family of Nazareth,
faithful guardian of the mystery of salvation:
grant us a renewed esteem for silence,
make our families cenacles of prayer
and transform them into small domestic churches.
Renew our desire for holiness …
Jesus, Mary, and Joseph,
we pray to you with confidence,
we entrust ourselves to you with joy.


2 responses to “Holy Family of Nazareth – Models of Faith”

  1. Carol M. Karnitsky Avatar
    Carol M. Karnitsky

    Susan, I loved your reflection on Holy Family Sunday and the way you experience holiness in your family life. Thank you.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. 218slamann Avatar

    Thank you, Sr. Carol. It is a great opportunity, when writing a post for our blog, to slow down and reflect on the way a feast day or the Sunday readings inform and enrich my life.


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